Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Birmingham 10 years on

10 years ago today, Archbishop Vincent Nichols (then Archbishop of Birmingham) formally opened and blessed St Pauls bookshop at St Chad’s Cathedral.

Over these 10 years a great deal has happened within the Christian booktrade - much of it resulting in the closure of many shops from around the country. Sadly, this appears to be a trend that has not yet been reversed. We at St Pauls count ourselves blessed that we have not been affected in this way.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and supporters, especially those who have enabled us to build up such a much respected resource in Birmingham. In doing so, we also recognise that this would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the staff, past and present.

To mark the 10th anniversary, Canon Gerry Breen (Administrator & Dean of the Cathedral) has kindly agreed to offer the 12.30pm Mass tomorrow (the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul) in thanksgiving. As a token of our appreciation to our customers, we shall be offering everyone a 10% discount on their purchases at St Chad's for the remainder of this week.

"ST PAULS is not just a commercial venture but a place that radiates the truth about Jesus Christ and his love." Blessed James Alberione.